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euzenat2017b (2024-02-10)

Jérôme Euzenat, Crafting ontology alignments from scratch through agent communication, in: Proc. 20th International Conference on Principles and practice of multi-agent systems (PRIMA), Nice (FR), (Bo An, Ana Bazzan, João Leite, Serena Villata, Leendert van der Torre (eds), Proc. 20th International Conference on Principles and practice of multi-agent systems (PRIMA), Lecture notes in computer science 10621, 2017), pp245-262, 2017
[BibTeX:euzenat2017b][DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-69131-2_15] [Show abstract] [Show erratum]
Experiments: [20170529-NOOR] [20170530-NOOR] [20170531-NOOR] [20170706-NOOR]
Ontology alignment, Alignment repair, Cultural knowkedge evolution, Agent simulation, Coherence, Network of ontologies
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance, Ontology matching/Alignement d'ontologies, Revision/Révision