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Cultural knowledge evolution in areas (2024-02-10)

Line van den Berg, Jérôme Euzenat, Class? en classe: jouer avec des classifications pour combiner mathématiques et informatique, Recherches et recherches-actions en didactique de l'informatique 1(1), 2024
[BibTeX:vandenberg2024a] [Show abstract]
Classification hiérarchique, Apprentissage par le jeu, Informatique sans ordi, Ordres partiels, Conditions nécessaires et suffisantes
Classification, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance
Yasser Bourahla, Multi-agent simulation of cultural ontology evolution through interaction, Thèse d'informatique, Université de Grenoble, Grenoble (FR), 2023
[BibTeX:bourahla2023a] [Show abstract]
Multi-agent simulation, Adaptive multi-agent systems, Cultural evolution
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance
Jérôme Euzenat, Society = Autonomy + Adaptation, in: Proc. Dagstuhl seminar on Agents on the web, Wadern (DE), (Olivier Boissier, Andrei Ciortea, Andreas Harth, Alessandro Ricci, Danai Vachtsevanou (eds), Agents on the web (seminar 21072), Dagstuhl reports 13(2), 2023), pp86, 2023
[BibTeX:euzenat2023b] [Show abstract]
Semantic web/Web sémantique, Context/Contexte, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance
Andreas Kalaitzakis, Jérôme Euzenat, À quoi sert la spécialisation en évolution culturelle de la connaissance?, in: Maxime Morge (éd), Actes 31e journées francophones sur Systèmes multi-agent (JFSMA), Strasbourg (FR), pp76-85, 2023
[BibTeX:kalaitzakis2023a] [Show abstract]
Experiments: [20230110-MTOA] [20230120-MTOA]
Evolution culturelle de la connaissance, Simulation multi-agents, Spécialisation des agents
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Semantic web/Web sémantique, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance
Andreas Kalaitzakis, Jérôme Euzenat, Multi-tasking resource-constrained agents reach higher accuracy when tasks overlap, in: Proc. 20th European conference on multi-agents systems (EUMAS), Napoli (IT), (Vadim Malvone, Aniello Murano (eds), Proc. 20th European conference on multi-agents systems (EUMAS), Lecture notes in computer science 14282, 2023), pp425-434, 2023
[BibTeX:kalaitzakis2023b][DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-43264-4_28] [Show abstract]
Experiments: [20230505-MTOA]
Cultural knowledge evolution, Knowledge transfer, Multi-tasking
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance
Adriana Luntraru, Value-sensitive knowledge evolution, Master's thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes, Grenoble (FR), 2023
[BibTeX:luntraru2023a] [Show abstract]
Experiments: [20230523-VBCE]
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Semantic web/Web sémantique, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance
Anaïs Siebers, Intrinsic exploration-motivation in cultural knowledge evolution, Master's thesis, Ruhr Universität, Bochum (DE), 2023
[BibTeX:siebers2023a] [Show abstract]
Experiments: [20230822-IKEM]
Cultural knowledge evolution, Intrinsic motivation, Exploration, Artificial curiosity, Computational creativity, Multi-agent simulation
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance
Line van den Berg, Manuel Atencia, Jérôme Euzenat, Raising awareness without disclosing truth, Annals of mathematics and artificial intelligence 91(4):431-464, 2023
[BibTeX:vandenberg2023a][DOI:10.1007/s10472-022-09809-y] [Show abstract]
Awareness, Raising awareness, Dynamic epistemic logic, Partial valuations, Multi-agent systems
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance, Revision/Révision, Forgetting/Oubli
Yasser Bourahla, Manuel Atencia, Jérôme Euzenat, Knowledge transmission and improvement across generations do not need strong selection, in: Piotr Faliszewski, Viviana Mascardi, Catherine Pelachaud, Matthew Taylor (eds), Proc. 21st ACM international conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), (Online), pp163-171, 2022
[BibTeX:bourahla2022a] [Show abstract] [presentation]
Experiments: [20210601-DOTG] [20210927-DOTG]
Ontology, Multi-agent social simulation, Multi-agent learning, Knowledge diversity
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Semantic web/Web sémantique, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance, Ontology matching/Alignement d'ontologies
Yasser Bourahla, Manuel Atencia, Jérôme Euzenat, Transmission de connaissances et sélection, in: Valérie Camps (éd), Actes 30e journées francophones sur Systèmes multi-agent (JFSMA), Saint-Étienne (FR), pp63-72, 2022
[BibTeX:bourahla2022b] [Show abstract]
Experiments: [20210601-DOTG] [20210927-DOTG]
Simulation sociale multi-agents, Évolution culturelle, Transmission des connaissances, Génération d'agents, Évolution culturelle des connaissances
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance
Yasser Bourahla, Jérôme David, Jérôme Euzenat, Meryem Naciri, Measuring and controlling knowledge diversity, in: Tiago Prince Sales, Maria Hedblom, He Tan, Lucía Gómez Álvarez, Rafael Peñaloza, Srdjan Vesic (eds), Proc. 1st JOWO workshop on formal models of knowledge diversity (FMKD), Jönköping (SE), 2022
[BibTeX:bourahla2022c] [Show abstract]
Supplementary material: [notebook]
Knowledge diversity, Diversity measure, Ontology dissimilarity, Diversity control, Entropy
Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance, Ontology distances/Distances entre ontologies
Yasser Bourahla, Manuel Atencia, Jérôme Euzenat, Inter-generation knowledge transmission without individual selection, in: Proc. 4th conference on Conference of the Cultural evolution society, Aarhus (DK), 2022
cultural knowledge evolution, vertical transmission, horizontal transmission, multi-agent simulation, knowledge accuracy
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance
Jérôme Euzenat, Can AI systems culturally evolve their knowledge?, in: Proc. 4th conference on Conference of the Cultural evolution society, Aarhus (DK), 2022
agent-based models, computational cultural knowledge evolution, artificial intelligence
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance
Line van den Berg, Jérôme Euzenat, The small Class? gamebook, Pedagogical material, 2022
[BibTeX:vandenberg2022b] [Show abstract]
Class?, Classification, Game
Classification, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance
Yasser Bourahla, Manuel Atencia, Jérôme Euzenat, Knowledge improvement and diversity under interaction-driven adaptation of learned ontologies, in: Ulle Endriss, Ann Nowé, Frank Dignum, Alessio Lomuscio (eds), Proc. 20th ACM international conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), London (UK), pp242-250, 2021
[BibTeX:bourahla2021a] [Show abstract] [presentation]
Experiments: [20201001-DOLA] [20200623-DOLA]
Ontology, Multi-agent social simulation, Multi-agent learning, Knowledge diversity
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Semantic web/Web sémantique, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance, Ontology matching/Alignement d'ontologies
Jérôme Euzenat, The web as a culture broth for agents and people to grow knowledge, in: Proc. Dagstuhl seminar on Autonomous agents on the web, Wadern (DE), (Olivier Boissier, Andrei Ciortea, Andreas Harth, Alessandro Ricci (eds), Autonomous agents on the web (seminar 21072), Dagstuhl reports 11(1), 2021), pp40-41, 2021
Semantic web/Web sémantique, Context/Contexte, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance
Line van den Berg, Manuel Atencia, Jérôme Euzenat, A logical model for the ontology alignment repair game, Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems 35(2):32, 2021
[BibTeX:vandenberg2021a][DOI:10.1007/s10458-021-09508-8] [Show abstract] [Show erratum]
Ontology alignment, Alignment repair, Multi-agent systems, Agent communication, Dynamic Epistemic Logic
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Semantic web/Web sémantique, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance, Ontology matching/Alignement d'ontologies
Line van den Berg, Cultural knowledge evolution in dynamic epistemic logic, Thèse de mathématiques-informatique, Université de Grenoble, Grenoble (FR), October 2021
[BibTeX:vandenberg2021b] [Show abstract]
Dynamic epistemic logic, Ontology alignments, Cultural knowledge evolution
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance, Ontology matching/Alignement d'ontologies, Semantics/Sémantique, Forgetting/Oubli
Jérôme Euzenat, A map without a legend: the semantic web and knowledge evolution, Semantic web journal 11(1):63-68, 2020
[BibTeX:euzenat2020a][DOI:10.3233/SW-190376] [Show abstract]
Semantic web, Linked data, Big data, Open data, Knowledge representation, Knowledge, Ontology, Machine learning, Reproducible research, eScience, Cultural evolution
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Semantic web/Web sémantique, Artificial intelligence/Intelligence artificielle, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance, Linked data/Web des données, Reproducibility/Reproductilité
Line van den Berg, Manuel Atencia, Jérôme Euzenat, Agent ontology alignment repair through dynamic epistemic logic, in: Bo An, Neil Yorke-Smith, Amal El Fallah Seghrouchni, Gita Sukthankar (eds), Proc. 19th ACM international conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS), Auckland (NZ), pp1422-1430, 2020
[BibTeX:vandenberg2020a] [Show abstract] [presentation] [presentation] [Show erratum]
Ontology alignment, Alignment repair, Agent communication, Dynamic Epistemic Logic
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Semantic web/Web sémantique, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance, Ontology matching/Alignement d'ontologies
Line van den Berg, Manuel Atencia, Jérôme Euzenat, Unawareness in multi-agent systems with partial valuations, in: Proc. 10th AAMAS workshop on Logical Aspects of Multi-Agent Systems (LAMAS), Auckland (NZ), 2020
[BibTeX:vandenberg2020b] [Show abstract]
Awareness, Dynamic Epistemic Logic, Partial valuations, Multi-agent systems
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance, Revision/Révision, Forgetting/Oubli
Jérôme Euzenat, Replicator-interactor in experimental cultural knowledge evolution, in: Proc. 2nd JOWO workshop on Interaction-Based Knowledge Sharing (WINKS), Graz (AT), 2019
[BibTeX:euzenat2019a] [Show abstract]
Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance
Line van den Berg, Epistemic alignment repair, in: Proc. 31st ESSLLI student session, Riga (LV), 2019
[BibTeX:vandenberg2019a] [Show abstract]
Ontology alignment, Alignment repair, Dynamic Epistemic Logic
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Semantic web/Web sémantique, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance, Ontology matching/Alignement d'ontologies
Jérôme Euzenat, De la langue à la connaissance: approche expérimentale de l'évolution culturelle, Bulletin de l'AFIA 100:9-12, 2018
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance
Jérôme Euzenat, Interaction-based ontology alignment repair with expansion and relaxation, in: Proc. 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Melbourne (VIC AU), pp185-191, 2017
[BibTeX:euzenat2017a][DOI:10.24963/ijcai.2017/27] [Show abstract] [Show erratum]
Experiments: [20170214a-NOOR] [20170214b-NOOR] [20170215a-NOOR] [20170215b-NOOR] [20170216-NOOR]
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance, Ontology matching/Alignement d'ontologies, Revision/Révision
Jérôme Euzenat, Crafting ontology alignments from scratch through agent communication, in: Proc. 20th International Conference on Principles and practice of multi-agent systems (PRIMA), Nice (FR), (Bo An, Ana Bazzan, João Leite, Serena Villata, Leendert van der Torre (eds), Proc. 20th International Conference on Principles and practice of multi-agent systems (PRIMA), Lecture notes in computer science 10621, 2017), pp245-262, 2017
[BibTeX:euzenat2017b][DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-69131-2_15] [Show abstract] [Show erratum]
Experiments: [20170529-NOOR] [20170530-NOOR] [20170531-NOOR] [20170706-NOOR]
Ontology alignment, Alignment repair, Cultural knowkedge evolution, Agent simulation, Coherence, Network of ontologies
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance, Ontology matching/Alignement d'ontologies, Revision/Révision
Jérôme Euzenat, Knowledge diversity under socio-environmental pressure, in: Michael Rovatsos (ed), Investigating diversity in AI: the ESSENCE project, 2013-2017, Deliverable, ESSENCE, 62p., 2017, pp28-30
[BibTeX:euzenat2017c] [Show abstract]
Multi-agent systems/Systèmes multi-agents, Cultural knowledge evolution/Évolution culturelle de la connaissance, Ontology matching/Alignement d'ontologies, Semantic web/Web sémantique